Technical marketing and blog posts

Cloud Manager Guide - Taking Control of Public Cloud Consumption

Getting control of public cloud consumption can be like wrestling a ghost: it’s hard to pin down something nebulous. But if you’re in charge of reducing costs without hampering innovation, you’ve got to pin this ghost down. To wrestle public cloud consumption into submission, you need visibility, standardization and cost reduction. This eBook will take a look at the tools a CMP gives you for gaining visibility, implementing standards and reducing costs, while making your team more efficient and productive.

Puppet Plus Embotics vCommander Equals Faster ITaaS

If you use Puppet Labs® Puppet to deliver ITaaS, you can seamlessly integrate Puppet with Embotics vCommander to provision and manage Puppet nodes. With the vCommander Cloud Management Platform (CMP), you can predefine your Puppet node configuration right in the service catalog. Requested VMs can be automatically deployed and configured as Puppet nodes. You can also set up automatic VM decommissioning driven by expiry date or a change request process, including removal of the node configuration from the Puppet master.